The 7 Best Post View Counter WordPress Plugins

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Once you get your WordPress site online, you’ll want to know how many views you’re getting.

This information is not only interesting, but it’s also extremely valuable.

Once you find out which posts are getting the most views, you’ll know what kind of content you should focus on next.

And when you can see where your traffic is coming from, you’ll know where to invest more in your marketing.

Whether you want to include a small view count on your posts or add an analytics dashboard to WordPress, these plugins can help.

Best post view counter plugins

Some of the plugins in this collection have basic functionality, while others are more advanced. Regardless, they are all very easy to use.

Additionally, all of these stat counter plugins are free.

Here are my top picks for the best post view counter WordPress plugins.

  • 1. Independent Analytics

    Independent Analytics plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Independent Analytics is a new analytics plugin that adds a beautiful and feature-rich stats dashboard to your WP admin. The analytics dashboard shows you how many views and visitors all your posts and pages are getting.

    Independent Analytics Dashboard

    Even better, there’s a public view counter you can enable from the Settings menu:

    View Counter Settings

    This view counter shows visitors how many views your posts have received. You can enable it on any of your post types, display above/below the content, customize the text, and even exclude it from specific pages.

    Unlike basic view counter plugins, Independent Analytics is a robust analytics solution, so it does a much better job of filtering out bots and giving you accurate results. While it’s nice to show off your view counts publicly, you’ll likely get a lot of value from the private analytics dashboard as well.

    Independent Analytics is also GDPR compliant and privacy friendly since it does not use cookies or share data with an outside server. And unlike bloated analytics tools like Google Analytics, it has virtually zero impact on your site’s performance, so it won’t slow it down at all.

    If you’re looking for a free plugin to add a public view counter to your site, click the link below to give Independent Analytics a try.

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  • 2. Post Views Counter

    Post Views Counter plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Post Views Counter is a well-made plugin for recording and checking your post views in WordPress. You can choose to track views for only your posts or your pages and custom post types too. And since the stats are so simple, there is no personal data saved, which makes it GDPR-friendly.

    When you want to see how many views your posts are getting, you can simply login to your WordPress dashboard; there is a small report added to the main admin page. Views from your computer won’t be included as long as you’re logged in, and you can block your IP address as well if you want to exclude your views while logged out too.

    Another interesting feature of this small analytics plugin is that you can output your post view counts publicly. Post Views Counter can output your view counts automatically before or after the post content, and there is a shortcode if you want to display it somewhere custom instead.

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  • 3. WP Post Views

    WP Post Views plugin

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    Plugin Description

    WP Post Views is a simple WordPress page view counter, giving you a lightweight means of tracking how many visits your site has gotten.

    Once you install this plugin, you’ll find a new Views column added to the Posts menu for your views. If you want to find out how many views a post has received, you can simply search for that post via the Posts menu and then find the views on the right side of the page. There’s also a shortcode you can output anywhere on your site to show the views publicly that a page has.

    WP Post Views includes a small settings menu where you can choose which post types you want to track. By default, it tracks both posts and pages, but you can disable either as well as add support for any custom post types registered on your site. In addition, there is an IP filtering option that will prevent the same visitor from creating more than one view per post.

    While this plugin doesn’t include any charts or data tables for your site’s total views, it is a nice and easy way to track views per post.

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  • 4. DP Post Views Counter

    DP Post Views Counter plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Out of all the stat counter WordPress plugins, DP Post Views Counter is the simplest.

    All you need to do is install and activate this free post view counter to get it running on your site. There are no settings or options to configure. Once activated, you’ll find a small eye icon and a view count at the bottom of every post. It shows up right after the content and before the comments where other elements like social media sharing buttons usually show up.

    While it’s not documented in the plugin, there is a shortcode available to output the post view count wherever you want. However, you will also need to make a PHP edit to disable the plugin’s automatic output of the view count.

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  • 5. Page View Count

    Page View Count plugin

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    Plugin Description

    If you’re wondering how to check your post views in WordPress, this plugin makes it easy. In fact, both you and your visitors can find your page views because it includes the stats right on your site’s pages.

    By default, the Page View Count plugin outputs your view count at the bottom of every post and page. You can move the view count before the content, disable it for different post types, and even customize the color and size of the text and icon.

    In addition to the automatic output, there is a Gutenberg block, shortcode, and widget. These three options make it possible to include the count anywhere on your site you want. If you’re a developer, you’ll appreciate that there’s also a PHP function for outputting the view count.

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  • 6. Advanced Page Visit Counter

    Advanced Page Visit Counter plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Advanced Page Visit Counter is more than just a simple views counter; it’s more like a full analytics suite in your WP dashboard. It could serve well as a Google Analytics alternative if you’re looking for a dashboard with your visitor counts and top pages.

    With this plugin installed, you’ll find a new analytics dashboard added to your site, complete with charts for your total visits over the past year, month, week, and today. You can also find your most visited article, page views per visitor, and the number of first-time visitors. Dig further into the statistics, and there are also reports on your traffic sources and the technology used by your visitors (OS & Browser).

    One drawback of this plugin is that it isn’t GDPR compatible because it stores your visitors’ IP address, which has been ruled by the EU to be considered personal data. If GDPR applies to your site’s visitors, make sure to add a popup with a GDPR plugin informing them of the tracking.

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  • 7. Posts and Products Views for WooCommerce

    Posts and Products Views for WooCommerce plugin

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    Plugin Description

    This last plugin lets you check the views for your posts and WooCommerce products. You won’t have a hard time wondering how to see page views in WordPress because the view count shows up on the Posts (and Products) page in a new column added to the right side of the screen. In addition, the view counts are output publicly at the bottom of your posts after the content.

    A unique feature of this plugin is that it gives you a variety of controls for how the view counter is styled. You can switch between a light and dark mode as well as change the text. This is made possible via the editable shortcode.

    While this plugin can track views for posts and WooCommerce products, it’s not the only plugin capable of doing this. Some of the other plugins listed above can track custom post types, which includes WooCommerce products. The Independent Analytics plugin can also show you visits to your category pages, homepage, and even 404 pages.

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Which page view counter plugin is best?

If you’re unsure which plugin to choose, here are a few final tips.

Independent Analytics includes the best of both worlds in that it has a detailed analytics dashboard with your views and traffic sources, but it is still extremely easy to use. Like the other plugins listed here, it’s entirely free to use.

If you want a simple solution to count your post and page views, the Post Views Counter plugin is your best bet. It includes your views in a small chart and requires no configuration to use.

Thanks for checking out this list of the best post view counter plugins for WordPress, and if it helped you find a great new plugin, please use the buttons below to share it with someone else.

Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley is a WordPress theme designer & developer, and founder of Compete Themes.