How to Create an Organic Food eCommerce Store with the Freshio Theme

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Ben Sibley

“Follow the plan outlined here and you can create your own website from scratch without writing any code for less than $300.”

We’re in the midst of an eating revolution.

Never before have people paid so much attention to what they put in their bodies, and for many, this means eating organic exclusively.

As a supplier of organic foods, there’s never been a better time to be in business. But it’s not that easy…

The healthy-eating niche is booming, and that means intense competition. That’s why you can’t trust any old theme to create your store.

If you want to capitalize on the organic revolution taking place and gain swaths of loyal new customers, you’ll need a website that is beautiful, easy-to-use, and effectively designed to generate sales.

And to do all that, there may be no theme better than Freshio.

What is Freshio?

Freshio is a new WordPress theme by PavoThemes made for organic food stores.


What makes Freshio special is that it’s a complete package. Using this premium template and the compatible plugins, you can build an entire eCommerce store in a matter of hours.

To make this possible, Freshio integrates with the popular WooCommerce plugin, which is currently installed on millions of eCommerce websites. As for the design, every aspect is totally customizable thanks to its integration with Elementor.

But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Let’s take a look at more designs first because the screenshot above is just scratching the surface.

Freshio’s templates

The screenshot above showcases only one of Freshio’s beautiful, pre-made homepages.

In total, there are 8 fully-finished homepages to select from.

Freshio Homepages

You can review all 8 templates here if you’d like.

And here’s what’s cool about these templates.

They’re all made with Elementor blocks & widgets. For instance, that slider you see above is an Elementor slider widget, which means you can easily customize any aspect of it yourself.

This will all make a lot more sense if you browse my Elementor tutorial or give this video tutorial a quick watch:

Freshio also includes numerous designs for both the header and footer, plus three different designs for the main shop page. In practice, you’ll simply import these designs into your site, and then make a few tweaks to match your brand.

Professional design has never been so easy and accessible.

Now that you’ve got a grasp of how this theme can be customized let’s talk about the eCommerce features you’ll use to sell products.

Freshio’s eCommerce features

As a WooCommerce theme, Freshio is fully compatible with the WooCommerce plugin.

The WC plugin gives you everything you need to manage your store, from product management to integration with popular payment processors, such as PayPal and Stripe.

While WC includes the core functionality you need, you will likely add more WooCommerce extensions for extra features on your site.

What’s nice about Freshio is that it includes a lot of top features that users normally have to get from adding new plugins. For example, Freshio includes quick views, wishlists, and a nice login form.

Freshio Features

Freshio is also compatible with WooCommerce’s product filters and adds a few of its own. This is a critical feature for a store with more than a dozen products.

Using the filters, customers can easily narrow the store results down to a specific category, brand, or price range.

And as a small business owner, you’re probably no stranger to the concept of content marketing.

Well, Freshio doesn’t just have full support for WordPress’s blogging functionality; it also has a handful of pre-made designs to choose from.

Freshio Blog Layouts

This makes it easy to publish articles for social media and promote your products online without paying for expensive advertising.

Knowing all of this, you’re probably wondering how to get started with Freshio, so let’s cover those steps next.

How to get started with Freshio

If you don’t have a website yet, you’ll want to follow along with this guide:

How to Create Your First WordPress Site

That will teach you how to create a WordPress website from scratch, and it’s MUCH easier than you think.

Once you have your WP site online, you’re ready to install the Freshio theme.

You can get your copy of Freshio here on Themeforest.

Freshio includes a setup wizard that makes the rest of the process fairly simple. It will recommend and install a series of plugins for you, including Elementor. It will also import all of the beautiful templates showcased earlier in this guide.

Once you’ve got all the templates imported, you simply need to assign them to pages on your site to make them live.

If you’re totally brand new to WordPress and feeling intimidated by any of this, I’d recommend this free 17-part video series I created for WP beginners just like you:

In the past, creating your own eCommerce store would be a massive undertaking, but with tools like WordPress, WooCommerce, and Freshio, it’s totally possible for non-developers to do it on their own for an extremely affordable price.

I hope this guide has helped you to get started with your own organic eCommerce store. If you need to find Freshio online, here’s the link to Themeforest one more time.

Get the Freshio theme

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Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley is a WordPress theme designer & developer, and founder of Compete Themes.