The 5 Best WooCommerce Sales Countdown Timer Plugins

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It’s one of the most powerful sales tools in your arsenal as an eCommerce store owner.

And one of the best ways to introduce urgency to your business is with a countdown timer.

The good news is that since you’ve selected WooCommerce for your store, you have access to thousands of powerful eCommerce plugins.

In this collection, you’ll find customizable and feature-rich plugins for adding sales countdown timers to your product and checkout pages.

The plugins listed below will allow you to:

  • Add a sale countdown timer for any product
  • Schedule timed discounts
  • Choose a limited stock to offer on sale
  • Increase the price each day of the sale
  • Create beautiful countdown timer banners

Keep reading to see which WooCommerce plugin will be best for adding countdown timers to your store.

WooCommerce countdown plugins

Whether you’re looking to run a timed discount or introduce a countdown on your checkout page, one of these plugins can help.

Here are my recommendations for the best WooCommerce sales countdown plugins.

  • 1. YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown

    YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown plugin

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    Plugin Description

    YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown is a highly customizable plugin for adding sales countdown timers to your product pages.

    Using this plugin, you can add a sale to any product on your site. You can include a countdown banner that shows the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds left. You can also display a progress bar showing how much of the available stock has been purchased. Using these two urgency tools in combination will further increase your eCommerce sales.

    When creating your countdown, you can choose where you want the timer to display, schedule it for a date range, and decide what should happen when the product sells out. The countdown timer is extremely customizable, allowing you to change everything from the layout and colors to the font sizes and label text.

    In addition to displaying timers on your product pages, you can also enable a sale for a group of products and display their timers on the main shop page. This will help inform customers which products are on sale and let them know they’ll return to their regular prices soon. Additionally, you can add a pre-sale countdown timer to show customers when an upcoming sale will begin.

    In the end, YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown is a comprehensive plugin for adding countdown timers to your site. You can click the link below to see screenshots and learn more.

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  • 2. Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce & WordPress

    Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce & WordPress plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce & WordPress should be a top consideration for your site. Here’s why.

    This plugin will add a stylish countdown timer to your store that can be displayed on your product pages and main shop page. Plus, it includes shortcodes that let you display your countdown timer anywhere else you want, like in blog posts and widgets. The countdowns can be based on a timer and/or product stock quantity, and you can customize the product discounts and duration of the sale from the settings menu.

    One of the coolest features of this plugin is the ability to modify the discount over the course of the sale. For instance, you could put a product on sale for a week starting with a 50% discount, and lower the discount by 5% every day. Customers will see that the price is going up tomorrow and will feel even more urgency to complete their purchase now.

    Another interesting option is the ability to place the countdown timer on the checkout page. While this is a good way to follow through on the urgency, I do find it a bit stressful and bordering on punishing the user. Nobody is going to like seeing they have 30 seconds left to checkout, especially if they don’t have their credit card saved or memorized.

    Overall, this is one of the best WooCommerce countdown plugins because of its unique advanced features and low price.

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  • 3. Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce

    Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce is a full-featured plugin for adding countdowns to your eCommerce store.

    With this plugin, you can choose between timed sales and quantity-based sales. The difference is a sale that ends in X hours versus a sale that ends when the stock runs out. Both types of countdowns can be displayed on both the product pages and main shop pages.

    When adding the product discount, you can choose between a fixed discount or a percentage discount. You also get to control the quantity that is available on sale and the start and end date of the sale. This plugin also makes it easy to apply a sale to your entire store instead of just individual products and categories.

    Another cool feature of this plugin is the ability to export and import discounts via CSV. This makes it possible to quickly recreate your sales campaigns across multiple WooCommerce stores.

    The only thing I don’t like about this plugin is the style of the countdown timer, but it’s not a big deal because there are multiple templates to choose from and the colors are customizable.

    Overall, this is an awesome WooCommerce sales countdown plugin, whether you want to boost sales for one product or your entire catalog at once.

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  • 4. Simple Sale Countdown Timer

    Simple Sale Countdown Timer plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Simple Sale Countdown Timer is a great plugin for creating timed discounts with WooCommerce.

    This plugin’s stand-out feature is the way you manage your on-sale products. Using the new Sale Countdown menu, you can quickly search for products and add them to a sale. Then choose a fixed or percentage discount, and select the start and end dates. With some plugins, putting multiple products on sale can be tedious, but Simple Sale Countdown Timer makes it easy to place many products on sale at once. You also have the option to enable the sale for specific categories in addition to your selected products.

    The countdown timer itself is very simple. Instead of a large colorful banner, it displays plain text with the amount of time left ticking down by the second. While the style is fine, you may want to add some styling of your own to make it stand out more.

    The only downside of this plugin is that it doesn’t allow you to run multiple sales at once. For example, if you put 20 of your products on sale for the next week, you won’t be able to start another sale until the current one is over.

    Overall, Simple Sale Countdown Timer is a good plugin if you want to create one sale at a time on your site. If you find this too limiting or you want a more colorful sale banner, you might be happier with the plugin by YITH listed above.

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  • 5. Countdown Timer

    Countdown Timer plugin

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    Plugin Description

    Countdown Timer is a very simple plugin to add various types of countdown timers to your WooCommerce store.

    With this plugin, you can create a countdown to a specific date or a countdown based on a length of time. You can also make the timer start for visitors based on the timing of their first visit or even create a timer that counts upwards.

    While this plugin can be used to create a sense of urgency, it’s a fake urgency. The other plugins actually discount your products and end the discount when the timer ends (or when the stock runs out). This plugin, on the other hand, isn’t hooked up to any discount or stock count on your site. This means you’d have to manually end your sales. On the other hand, it also gives you the flexibility to include custom timers wherever you want on your site for whatever purpose you want.

    In the end, it’s an affordable plugin for creating timers and could be a good choice for your site as long as you understand it doesn’t handle discounts and sales on its own.

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Which countdown timer plugin is best for your store?

Depending on your needs, any one of these plugins could work great. That said, there are two plugins, in particular, that stood out to me.

YITH WooCommerce Product Countdown gives you all the tools you need to run timed discounts and the countdown timer itself is beautiful, attention-getting, and customizable.

Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce & WordPress is my runner-up recommendation because it has some really unique features and comes at a very affordable price.

What do you think? Were you able to find the perfect WooCommerce countdown plugin for your site?

If so, please consider sharing this post with someone else who might be looking for the same thing.

Thanks for reading!

Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley is a WordPress theme designer & developer, and founder of Compete Themes.