How to Create a Multistep Checkout for WooCommerce (3 Easy Steps)

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WooCommerce is an awesome eCommerce tool, but…

The default checkout process is pretty cumbersome.

These days, customers are used to super-optimized checkouts from sites like Amazon and, so a checkout page like this can freak them out:

Default Checkout
And this is just part of the checkout

But here’s the thing…

You can’t remove those fields. You need their name and email address to contact them, and you need their entire address to ship their order. Plus, their billing address might be different, so you need more fields for that too.

So if all of these fields are necessary, what can you do to make the checkout process friendlier?

You can break it into small bite-sized pieces, and that’s exactly what the Flux Checkout plugin by IconicWP can do.

It takes the standard WooCommerce checkout page and auto-converts it to a multi-step checkout, like this:

Checkout Customized
This is what you’ll create today

You can tell from the screenshot alone that this is a much nicer experience for your customers, and more importantly…

Without a wall of intimidating fields, customers will be more likely to complete the checkout, which means more money in your pocket.

And perhaps the best part? It only takes a few minutes to create.

Now that you have an idea of what you’ll be creating, let’s look at the steps required to recreate this same multistep checkout on your WooCommerce store.

How to create a multi-step checkout process

As mentioned already, the easiest way to add multistep checkout to WooCommerce is to use the Flux Checkout plugin.

Flux Checkout

What I love about this plugin is that you only have to install and activate it to get it working.

For instance, here’s how the checkout looks after installing Flux without editing any settings at all:

Flux Checkout Not Customized

If you’ve never purchased and uploaded a plugin to your site, I’d recommend you follow the steps in this tutorial. It’s very easy and doesn’t require any technical skills.

Once you have the plugin installed there are three steps to fully configure it for your store.

Customize the checkout fields

The first thing you’ll want to do is visit the main Flux Checkout settings menu.

From there, you’ll find a handful of settings that let you customize how the various fields work. There are a couple of settings, in particular, you should enable.

Flex Checkout Settings

I recommend activating the Use Address Autocomplete feature as this makes it much faster for customers to enter their address and ensure it’s typed correctly.

I also recommend enabling the Store Checkout Data in Browser setting. This way, if the customer leaves the page or accidentally closes the tab, the checkout fields will remember the info they entered.

There are some other settings here that may be helpful for your store, but those are the two I think every store should activate.

The next thing you’ll want to do is to customize the header.

Customize the header

You might remember from the screenshots above that Flux adds a blue bar across the top of the page that says “Checkout.” Without any branding at all, the page feels a bit illegitimate and could deter customers from purchasing.

I strongly recommend switching that text to your brand name or uploading your logo by switching the Header Type to Image.

Flex Header Type

Additionally, the color of the header probably doesn’t match your brand, so you’ll want to change that too. While you can enter a custom color here, it’s more efficient to leave it as the Primary Color, and change that from the next settings menu.

Customize the Checkout colors

The last tab in the Flux Checkout menu, Checkout Style, is dedicated to the colors used in the checkout process.

Flux Checkout Colors

There are lots of bright colors to choose from for your Primary and Accent colors. You can also switch to the Choose custom colors option and enter two colors that perfectly suit your brand.

With these changes, you can drastically alter the look of your checkout page. Using my example from before, here’s how the Payment step looks with a custom logo and brand colors.

Checkout Payment

It looks awesome and it only takes a couple of minutes to customize.

Create a multistep checkout with WooCommerce

Checkout pages can be incredibly intimidating, especially when using the default WooCommerce settings.

The good news is that you can switch to a highly-optimized and branded checkout page that will boost your sales conversions in a matter of minutes.

If you want to learn more about Flux Checkout, you can visit their website here:

Learn more about Flux Checkout

You might also be interested in picking up their WooCommerce Conversions Bundle:

Learn more about the WooCommerce Conversions Bundle

It bundles Flux Checkout with two other profit-boosting plugins, and you’ll save a combined $108 purchasing them all together.

I hope that this tutorial on WooCommerce multistep checkouts was an eye-opening experience about what’s possible by adding a new plugin to your store.

Thanks so much for reading, and please share it with someone else using the buttons below if it helped you out today.

Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley
Ben Sibley is a WordPress theme designer & developer, and founder of Compete Themes.